Project Spotlight: Emergency Home Deliveries Continue
The Fellowship | April 28, 2020
“This is a very difficult time for me,” says Loti. She’s an 85-year-old woman who The Fellowship recently visited with an emergency response package during the coronavirus crisis. And when Loti says “difficult,” she means it.
She tells us that a caregiver usually visits her three times a week, but because of the global pandemic, she can’t visit anymore. This means she’s lost her connection and companionship. “I’m all alone. This crisis is affecting the entire world,” she admits.
For elderly like Loti, not having access to visits from her caregiver means she finds it difficult just to survive. Like many elderly, Loti relies on others to help her make it through the day and complete daily tasks — things many of us take for granted under normal circumstances, like grocery shopping, which is now even more challenging given the present situation.
Thankfully, YOU, our wonderful supporters make sure that Loti has food, matzah (for Passover), hand sanitizer, hand wipes, and disposable gloves for sanitizing her home. Fellowship volunteers have been busy wearing protective masks and gloves, exercising caution and safety, as they enter the homes of elderly like Loti, who desperately need these essential items for survival.
Loti’s smile says it all. She only wishes Fellowship donors knew how much this care means. “You should all be healthy,” she wishes for everyone who’s helped. “This food will help me a lot.”