Poverty and Loneliness

The Fellowship  |  November 26, 2019

Elderly woman in FSU suffering poverty and loneliness

Whenever we visit countries in the former Soviet Union (FSU), where your love and compassion allows us to help so many of God’s people suffering poverty and loneliness, we are brought to tears by what these precious souls do not have.

We see elderly without food in their pantries.

We see aged people without firewood or heaters or even blankets during the brutal Eastern European winters.

And worst of all, we see those who should be living out their joyous and comfortable golden years alone — no husband to hold, no children to care for them, no grandchildren to love. These elderly Jewish women, who already struggle enough through hunger and extreme poverty…are also completely alone.

The reason they have nothing and no one may surprise you…

Why are thousands of Jewish women across the FSU especially at risk for poverty and loneliness?

The Holocaust

The Communist Soviet Era

The Death Toll of WWII

All of the Above

Without you, they are all alone. You can be the sole source of love and care for the “least of these” suffering poverty and loneliness with your generous gift today.