Join Our Isaiah 58 “True Fast”

The Fellowship  |  November 17, 2017

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We are so proud of Texas Cowboy Church for participating in The Fellowship‘s Isaiah 58 “True Fast” that allows churches to participate in the “true fast” of giving food to others rather than simply giving up food. The church’s pastor and wife shared with us what this experience means to them:

“When we learned how we could walk in the fulfillment of Genesis 12:3, which says God will bless those who bless Israel, by participating in the Isaiah 58 “True Fast,” our congregation, at Texas Cowboy Church, heartily joined in the ministry. Together, we offered to provide food, clothing and basic care for needy Jews. As we sow blessing into their lives through this offering, we pray for God’s blessing to rest on our church community.”

Pastor R.O. Murray and wife, Laurie

Texas Cowboy Church