Help, Healing, and Hope
Bishop Paul Lanier | October 7, 2023
As the dreadful extent of the attacks on Israel became clear, Bishop Paul Lanier, The Fellowship’s Board Chairman, made this statement:
Throughout the night, The Fellowship watched in horror and outrage at the unconscionable violation of Israeli sovereignty as Hamas invaded sacred space, murdered innocent lives, assaulted families, and kidnapped Jewish people, all within the shadow of the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. As then, Israel will prevail, as this ministry provides boots on the ground of help, healing, and hope.
Amen to this, Bishop. Even as terrorists continue their campaign of violence and fear against Israel, The Fellowship and its faithful supporters will continue to supply God’s people with the most precious things of all: help, healing, and hope.
Please lift up your prayers to God on Israel’s behalf: for her defense, protection, and comfort, remembering His words from the book of Jeremiah: “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”