Hamas Atrocities Shown During Private Embassy Screening

The Fellowship  |  November 15, 2023

funeral, Israel, terror attack
(Photo: David Cohen/Flash90)

In Washington, D.C., pastors—including The Fellowship’s Bishop Paul Lanier—gathered together to witness the raw truth of the October 7 massacre by Hamas terrorists. It was clear to Bishop after watching the horrible atrocities how important it is that we stand for light and life—that we stand for Israel. The Christian Post tells us more:

The event did not permit attendees to record the footage due to concern that some victims’ families have yet to see the graphic videos and photos of their dead loved ones…

Bishop Paul Lanier, The Fellowship’s chairman of the board of directors who opened the event with a prayer, delivered remarks after the video concluded. He expressed a desire for the screening to inspire a change in those who watched the footage.

In an interview with CP, Lanier clarified his remarks, saying Christians are typically “peace-loving people” who want to focus on joy and good things instead of focusing on tragedy.

“And our Christianity will not allow us to do that,” the bishop said. “We have to throw light upon the inhumanity, the brutality that took place, and equally be as fervent and bold and determined to stand for life and the people of Israel.”