Faces of The Fellowship: Tatiana

The Fellowship  |  March 29, 2017

IFCJ promotion featuring a smiling elderly woman with the text: Grateful for a warm blanket and conversation.
Faces of The Fellowship: Tatiana

Tatiana, 92, is a retired math teacher who speaks eight languages. After she retired, she was able to eke out a modest living on her teacher’s pension and by tutoring children in her village in Ukraine in exchange for food.

The Fellowship‘s Yael Eckstein visited Tatiana during her recent trip to Ukraine, and found her to be frail and in poor health. Tatiana had an upper respiratory condition that was possibly pneumonia, which had gone untreated for some time because she didn’t have the money to pay for the medical care she needs.

Tatiana is also very lonely. She lost both of her sons in the recent military clashes in Ukraine and Russia. Her home is a faded shell of a once-vibrant life. Her only companions are stray cats who have inhabited her home, causing it to smell terrible.

Tatiana was thrilled to have Yael visit her home, not just for the warm winter blanket and bag full of food, but even more so for the warm conversation and rare companionship. Yael considered it a privilege to remind this dear woman that she is not forgotten and that she is loved and cared for by Fellowship friends around the world.

Learn how you can help impoverished elderly in need, like Tatiana, receive the lifesaving care they desperately need.