Faces of The Fellowship: Sasha
The Fellowship | April 6, 2016
Sasha always felt happy and appreciated her parents’ love and devotion, despite their modest existence in a small apartment in Ukraine.
All was well, until a couple of years ago when Sasha’s father suddenly began feeling dizzy. At first, it was thought to be a simple virus, but soon this hard-working, pleasant father was found to be sick with cancer. He can no longer work, and must receive difficult and expensive treatments, while doctors cannot promise a positive outcome.
Sasha and her mother found themselves busy trying to ease their husband and father’s pain. Then, as if this was not enough, Sasha broke her leg and was confined to her bed.
With both Sasha and her father at home and Sasha’s mother the only one able to attend to their needs, the family’s income disappeared. Her mother tries to find work, but it is extremely difficult.
After the family’s story became known to the local Jewish community, Sasha was immediately provided with The Fellowship‘s monthly food parcels for needy children. Then as the winter months approached, Sasha was included in an additional Fellowship program, which provides needy children with new clothing for the upcoming winter.
“I try not to complain,” Sasha explained, “but with a broken leg and the constant fear of losing my father any day – I suddenly feel like an adult that has no childhood. We all pray for better days, but at the moment, the situation looks grim. My family has no income, and if it weren’t for The Fellowship‘s food parcels – I would starve.”
“My life has turned upside down,” Sasha’s mother said. “I knew of Rabbi Eckstein and The Fellowship‘s relief programs for needy Jewish families – but never imagined I would be one of them.
“I wish to personally thank each of The Fellowship‘s donors,” she added. “Your care for somebody far away in a foreign land is remarkable.”