Emergency Aid for a Car-Ramming Victim
The Fellowship | January 5, 2018
On the morning he was attacked, Even Ezer, a 35-year-old father of six from the Bnei Menashe community in Israel, was simply waiting for a ride to work.
His wife, Miryam, was home sick, so he’d gotten up earlier than usual to go to his job as a custodian at a boys’ school in Judea, after which he planned to fill in for Miryam, who works at a nearby girls’ school.
Even Ezer was waiting for a ride at the Gush Etzion Junction just south of Jerusalem when a terrorist rammed into him with his car. The terrorist had struck another man just minutes before at a nearby location.
After being rushed to Hadassah Hospital, Even Ezer immediately had surgery for an intracranial hemorrhage. Following his brain surgery, he spent three weeks in the hospital’s intensive care unit.
A month ago he was moved to the hospital’s rehabilitation unit, where his condition has been slowly improving. With a long road of healing still ahead, Even Ezer’s wife sits by his bed on a daily basis.
Recently, Fellowship staff member Michel Seiler visited Even Ezer and Miryam and presented them with The Fellowship‘s $1,000 grant to help terror victims and their families.
Michael explained that the purpose of the grant is to cover the initial unexpected expenses terror victims face, and even more importantly, to let them know that they’re not alone, that The Fellowship and our donors are standing by their side.
At this stage, Even Ezer was only able to smile. Miryam was overwhelmed by the gift and let Michael know how much it will help their financial situation.
Michael noted that he felt uplifted to be able to represent The Fellowship‘s donors and to see firsthand the appreciation people have for the work you enable us to do. “We should all be proud to be a part of this great organization,” he said – an organization only able to offer such lifesaving assistance thanks to your generous and faithful support. Thank you!
Learn how you can help victims of terrorism and anti-Semitic attacks.