Be the Change Makers
The Fellowship | December 2, 2019
While many of those who escaped Hitler’s attempt to wipe out the Jewish people ended up making aliyah (immigrating) to the Jewish state, other Holocaust survivors ended up elsewhere around the world. And as these survivors — whose own youths were lost to this dark chapter in history — grow old and pass on, their stories are every bit as meaningful for today’s young people. Joyce Wagner, a Holocaust survivor in the Chicago area, survived the Holocaust and now shares her memories so that the Holocaust and its survivors and victims will never be forgotten. Watch Ms. Wagner’s testimony above. And below, CBS Chicago tells how she is sharing her story with local students in a production of The Diary of Anne Frank:
“The Holocaust occurred because individuals, organizations, and governments allowed prejudice, hatred, and even mass murder to occur. Young people, you can create a new way forward,” Wagner said. “You can be the change makers who create a world of unity, respect and tolerance.”
In 1976, Wagner spoke to students who were performing the same play. Since then, the school said she has come back to speak whenever possible.
Her message to students: “Love is always stronger than hate.”