A Night Everyone Will Remember

The Fellowship  |  November 19, 2015

The Bridge Blog: ^^Article Title^^
Project Spotlight: Eshkol Trauma Center

As the staff in our Jerusalem office finished their planning retreat this week, one staff member found an intriguing post on Facebook.

Apparently, a couple was hosting their wedding reception in Ashdod, which wasn’t very far from the staff members, and only 15 people came to celebrate, so they were wondering if any more guests wanted to join in the fun. After reading the post, our staff members knew they wanted to help:

Within minutes we had persuaded our bus driver to extend his day by an hour, and before I knew it, 50 of our staff were in the wedding hall dancing on the dance floor with the couple, while the DJ was saying “thanks to the Keren L’Yedidut for bringing happiness.”

One of our staff members walked around with an envelope, and each of us gave generously, so the couple received a bulging envelope as a wedding gift.

It turns out that the bride is a new immigrant from France with no family in Israel, and the groom’s family refused to come to the wedding.

Doing Good and Giving Hope.

The Fellowship’s motto in Israel is ‘Do Good, Give Hope’ – and it couldn’t be more accurate!