A Journey into Ukraine as the War Anniversary Approaches

The Fellowship  |  February 14, 2024

elderly, JDC, Ukraine
(Photo: JDC)

Writing at The Jerusalem Post, Michael Starr brings us an update on the Jewish people in Ukraine and the situation on the ground:

I had been invited to Ukraine by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, one of the major aid organizations providing for Jews at risk during the ongoing war to repel the Russian invasion…

With the invasion nearing its second anniversary on February 24, we decided that it was time to visit these communities and see how they and their Ukrainian countrymen have been dealing with their trials…

Traveling through the city center, one could almost forget that there is a deadly struggle going on in the east. The stores and hotels are lit up, people are taking leisurely walks along the streets. Yet the proliferation of the proud yellow and blue flags, the posters for recruitment and public relations, and that familiar tension in the background remind us otherwise.