A High-Tech Monitor for the Elderly That They Don’t Have to Wear

The Fellowship  |  November 5, 2020

high-tech monitor
Senior Lady in Wheelchair Holding Hands with Caretaker. Pink shirt. Elderly woman.

Israel21c reports on a new high-tech monitor that hangs on the ceiling or wall and tracks a person’s posture, motion, and respiration to detect medical emergencies in the home:

“The most challenging aspect is falls. How fast we can detect a fall matters because the medical situation degrades quickly. Sometimes people stay on the floor for a long time. We had to find out how to solve that problem.”

Zack is cofounder, CEO and vice president of R&D at EchoCareTechnologies, which has developed ECHO (Elderly Care Home Observer), a cloud-connected monitor based on radar technology and machine learning.

Because radar sees through walls, one ECHO unit installed on the ceiling or wall can monitor one person (or two people, in a future version) in a standard-sized apartment in a senior living facility.