A Beautiful Thank You Letter to The Fellowship From a Father

The Fellowship  |  April 8, 2016

Young girl biting her pencil while smiling.
A Beautiful Thank You Letter to The Fellowship From a Father

For needy families in Israel, Afikim, a Fellowship-sponsored after-school program for at-risk children from needy families, having a place to go where they can receive food, comfort, and care makes a huge difference.

Every day after school, children receive a hot lunch, two hours of academic enrichment, and an hour of life skills education. And the families receive a monthly food card, along with special holiday food packages for the Jewish holidays.

In the following thank-you letter, one father thanks The Fellowship for so many blessings.

Letter from a Parent

I have been thinking for a very long time how to express my feelings in writing. I have picked up my pen 1,000 times and put it down again. And now I have simply decided to write from my heart; just like that.

I will tell you a bit about my family.

My wife works very hard to keep the family home going. I was born with one eye, but I do not regard my disability as any reason for pity. I work and am able to look after our family with love and pride. I know our Creator is looking after my wife and I, and our two children, ages 9 and 5.

I first learned about Afikim last year, after my dear mother passed away. I was in mourning and things were difficult in our home, and our 9-year-old daughter went to the center to receive extra help. She flourished at the center; there are no words to express her progress in emotional, social, and educational fields.

During this difficult time, I was not sure we’d find the energy to celebrate Passover. But you provided food and clothing vouchers that helped us cope. Thanks to you we were able to buy our children everything they needed.

As a family that has been through many difficulties, I thank God for the kindness He has shown us through Afikim.

I know how difficult it is to obtain such resources and we love you and appreciate every minute of your time that you give us.

I thank each and every one of you, on behalf of my wife and myself and our lovely children.