9 Corona-Proof Ways to Tour Israel With a Guide, From Home

The Fellowship  |  November 6, 2020

The Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel.
The Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel. Photo credit: Debbie Cooper

It’s been difficult staying at home and taking a break from travel as the world battles the pandemic. So our friends at Israel21c share ways to travel to Israel … virtually!

She and her husband Ben, a graphic designer, invented Esti’s “Roaring & Touring” Tour in a Bag.

The activity kit, with a Jerusalem lions theme, includes supplies such as clay, fabric, puzzle pieces and yarn, plus instructions to create a lion mosaic, mask and flag among other crafts designed for school-aged children.

It contains a trivia quiz, Israel map search, Hebrew and English word search, a lion story and quiz, a matching game, an “unmask the Israeli hero” game and more.