1,400-Year-Old Menorah Lamp, Rare Coin Found as Kids Dig Trail

The Fellowship  |  April 16, 2018

A person pointing at a rare menorah lamp.

Israel’s new interactive Sanhedrin Trail is 70 kilometers long and follows paths walked by many influential Jewish figures from 1,900 years ago.

What can you give your country for its 70th anniversary? For thousands of school pupils and volunteers, the answer is the sweat of their brows as they worked to prepare a new public 70-kilometer (43-mile) walking path called the Sanhedrin Trail.

As a byproduct of their backbreaking work, they also stumbled upon a priceless 1,400-year-old intact oil lamp engraved with an eight-armed menorah, remains of important glass industry, and an extremely rare gold coin from Suleiman the Magnificent.