10,000 Olim and Counting!

The Fellowship  |  September 6, 2017

Rabbi Eckstein with the Fellowship's 10,000th new immigrant at the airport.

It’s the beginning of a brighter future for Viktoria. Just a few hours ago, she became the 10,000th immigrant to come to Israel since The Fellowship began its own aliyah (immigration) operations in 2014. She, along with her mother and grandmother, was welcomed by Rabbi Eckstein.

This three-generation family is the latest group of olim (immigrants) that The Fellowship has brought to Israel since we began supporting aliyah 25 years ago with the help of our Christian donors. All told, The Fellowship has helped almost 800,000 immigrants make aliyah in the years since.

But Viktoria’s journey doesn’t end at the airport. The Fellowship will be there to support her with financial aid, counseling, job training – everything she needs to start a successful new life in the Holy Land!