The Life of Abraham – Isaac’s Adventure on Mount Moriah

Cartoon image of Abraham with a knife in his hand.
Genesis 22:9-11 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the LORD called out to him from heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!" "Here I am," he replied.

When Isaac was a young boy, he followed his father on a journey. He knew a sacrifice was to be offered, but it wasn’t until he arrived at Mount Moriah that he discovered that he was going to be the offering! This great test of his father, Abraham, had a happy ending, however. God stopped Abraham from going through with the original plan and rewarded him for his great faith and obedience. How many words can you find about Abraham?  Good luck!

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