Shmita: The Sabbatical Year
This month, we will study shmita, also referred to as “a Sabbath to the LORD” (Leviticus 25:4). Just as we work for six days and rest on the seventh, we work the land for six years and rest on the seventh. The purpose of the Sabbath is to remember that God is the true Creator. So, too, the year of shmita reminds us that God is the Creator and Owner of all. The weekly Sabbath ensures that we have time to focus on God, our families, and our faith, and the year of shmita gives us time to focus on all three of those fundamental values — especially on faith.
Discover how the year of shmita reminds us that God is the Creator and Owner of all. The weekly Sabbath ensures that we have time to focus on God, our families, and our faith, and the year of shmita gives us time to focus on all three of those fundamental values — especially on faith.
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