The Blessing of Faith

The Fellowship  |  November 29, 2019

Nahal Iyon water mill at Ein Sukra

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,
    whose confidence is in him.” — Jeremiah 17:7

During this season when we give thanks for God’s many blessings and His faithfulness, enjoy this collection of devotions on what it means for us to be people of faith. As an expression of your faith and thankfulness, find out how you can help elderly Jews in the former Soviet Union who are alone and in need of lifesaving assistance this holiday season.

A little bit of faith goes a long way. Just as a small flame can light up an entire room of darkness, so does even a small dose of faith dispel so many of the doubts and worries that bog us down. Faith brings us hope and peace. It gives us safety and security.

Many places in Scripture encourage us to have faith in God, but one place in particular gives us a powerful image as to what life is like when lived with faith, and in contrast, what life is like without it. That place is Jeremiah Chapter 17 which describes what faith looks like — and what the opposite feels like.

Jeremiah provides us with a description of two trees. The first is like a bush in the desert. It lives in parched soil and does not thrive. The second tree is a true evergreen: “ . . . a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream . . . its leaves are always green . . . and never fails to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7). A tree planted by a stream of water always has strong roots. It isn’t affected by the twists and turns of the weather because it has an alternate source of nourishment. A tree with well-nourished roots always thrives. It is strong, beautiful, and always fruitful.

Jeremiah likens the first tree living in parched soil to a person who puts his faith in man instead of in God: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man . . . and whose heart turns away from the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:5). The second tree with strong roots is the person who puts all of his faith in God: “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD . . .” Faith in God brings blessings.

When we live our lives with faith, we will be able to thrive in any circumstances. Faith is the water that nourishes our roots, our soul, and allows us to flourish whatever the situation. We are grateful for the good in our lives and use our blessings well. We understand that even the challenges are blessings, for it is through them that we grow.

The choice is ours: we can plant ourselves in a desert, or in the luscious grounds of faith. Just like trees, it is where we live that determines how we will grow.

Find out how you can help elderly Jews in the former Soviet Union who are alone and in need of lifesaving assistance this holiday season.