Remembering the Miracles
Yael Eckstein | September 4, 2023
They spoke against God;
they said, “Can God really
spread a table in the wilderness?” — Psalm 78:19
Miracles are central to both the Jewish and Christian faiths, and both biblical narratives are replete with miracles. Enjoy this collection of devotional teachings on the nature of God’s awe-inspiring signs and wonders.
Despite our many blessings, sometimes when we face a new challenge, we fear: “What if God doesn’t come through for me this time?” Ironically, a life of faith is often riddled with doubt.
In Psalm 78, the psalmist goes through a survey of the Israelites’ history, from the time the children of Israel left Egypt until David assumed the throne, recounting how every time the people doubted God, He came through for them. Nevertheless, despite God proving His faithfulness and power time and time again, the people doubted His abilities each time.
The key to strengthening our faith is remembering the miracles God has performed for us in the past and truly believing He will do so again. The psalmist wrote, “They spoke against God; they said, ‘Can God really spread a table in the wilderness?’” The Jewish sages teach that this expression of doubt was actually from the nations of the world who wondered if God could provide for His people in the desert.
Remembering the Miracles
According to the sages, we see God’s response in Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies,” referring to the manna that fell from the heavens each day. God piled it up like snow on mountaintops so that all nations could see.
“You anoint my head with oil” refers to the fatty meat that God rained down on the Israelites in the desert in such huge quantities that the nations couldn’t possibly miss it. And “my cup overflows” refers to Miriam’s well, which overflowed with water to satisfy the thirst of a nation in the desert.
Israel’s survival in the desert proved God’s greatness to the world.
We may not be wandering through a literal desert today, but we all face circumstances that seem just as hopeless, from financial woes and health scares to political turmoil and family trouble. Just as God provided for Israel in the desert, He will surely provide us with whatever we need throughout our lives.
Your Turn:
Next time you find yourself in a state of doubt and fear, remember the miracles God has done for you in the past, and trust that He will come through for you again.