Daily Devotionals

Yael Eckstein praying at Western Wall

The Way to Honor God

May 28, 2021
When a person helps the poor, he demonstrates the way to honor God and shows that she is obedient to God and dedicated to His purposes.
Women of the Dadon family who were terror victims.

Our Kindnesses Will Come Back

May 27, 2021
Kindness is like a boomerang; it will eventually make its way back to you.
Yael Eckstein spends time with faith and family on beach

Focusing on What We Lack

May 26, 2021
The irony is that when we focus on what we lack even when we have a lot, we constantly feel wanting and miss out on our numerous blessings.
Rabbi Simon Eckstein was the father of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the founder and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

Creating a Name for Ourselves

May 25, 2021
As we go through our lives, we have the opportunity to create a name for ourselves.
A large metal Menorah with two candles lit

Leaving a Legacy of Faith

May 24, 2021
Leaving behind material possessions in this world is not nearly as important leaving a legacy of faith. So, shine the light of God’s Word.
Black and white drawing of a man with a harp leading a group of men through the city.

Thirsting for One Thing

May 23, 2021
All our material objects lose their allure, and we thirst for one thing and one thing only — an authentic and deep connection to God.
Hands stacked on top of one another.

God Is Our Shaper

May 16, 2021
In those times, God is our shaper. God uses our difficult circumstances in order to form us and shape us into better people.
planet, earth

A Healing Heart

May 14, 2021
“A heart at peace” is called “a healing heart.” The Jewish sages explained that a healing heart is a soft heart; a heart that accepts and forgives is kind and generous.
Levites leading worship

Using the Power of Our Voice

May 13, 2021
To love God means using the power of our voice and taking a stand for His honor and His values -- even if we stand alone.
Yael eckstein with elderly woman Katerina

Our Privilege and Responsibility

May 12, 2021
Sometimes our job seems difficult, but that doesn’t mean that we have permission to give up. Our mission is our privilege – and our responsibility.
Yael and family with menorah

We Each Count in God’s Eyes

May 11, 2021
God wanted them to know that each one was precious to Him. The same is true for us today — we each count and matter in God’s eyes.
Yael Eckstein praying at the Western Wall

The Three Acts of Faith

May 10, 2021
These three acts of faith not only describe what made the children of Israel worthy back then; they also teach us how to become worthy of receiving God’s Word today.

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