God Will Make a Way

The Fellowship  |  September 1, 2019

Small child lighting candles during Hanukkah.

“Sing, barren woman,
    you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
    you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
    than of her who has a husband,”
      says the LORD. — Isaiah 54:1

In the weeks leading up to the High Holy Days, the Jewish people focus on Scriptures from the Torah that provide hope and inspiration as they prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This is one of 12 devotions on the hope we have as people of faith. To learn more about the High Holy Days, download our complimentary devotional guide.

As we near the High Holy Days, we continue reading Scriptures aimed at giving us hope and inspiration as we prepare for the holidays ahead. What could be more inspirational than this verse from the book of Isaiah: “Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child . . . because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.”

In other words, no matter what your past has been like and no matter what the future looks like, with God, anything is possible. Today is a new day. A new beginning. It’s nearly a new year on the Jewish calendar. This can be our greatest year yet!

In this opening verse, the prophet Isaiah told the barren woman to sing. Notice that he didn’t say “childless woman.” No, he called her a barren woman, for whom having children was not even a possibility. However, that woman, who for all natural accounts should have remained childless her entire life, was promised more children than a fertile woman with a husband by her side. Isaiah, in effect, was telling us that even when there doesn’t seem to be a way, God can make a way.

This was certainly true for Abraham and Sarah. The Jewish sages teach that it was physically impossible for Sarah to have a child. In addition, by the time the three angels visited the couple to tell them that a baby was finally on the way, they were well into their 90s, far beyond the age for bearing children. Yet, God made a way, even when there seemed to be none, and just as the angels predicted, Isaac was born the following year.

This was also true for the children of Israel as they left Egypt and found themselves sandwiched between the entire Egyptian army and the watery depths of the Red Sea. There was no place for them to go, or so it seemed. But God parted the sea and made a way for them. God led his people through the sea and then the wilderness. He provided water when there was none and food from heaven when there was none. God gave Israel a bright future when all had seemed lost.

Friends, God made a way for Abraham, Sarah, and all of Israel. He can make a way for us, too. No matter how bleak things may seem, cling to God and have faith in the One Who can do anything. Whatever difficulty you might be facing today – be it financial, a difficult relationship, a bad medical report, or anything else – know in your heart that God can turn it all around in one instant. God will make a way!

Explore the most holy time on the Jewish calendar with our complimentary devotional guide, High Holy Days: A Season of Repentance.