Enjoy Every Blessing
Yael Eckstein | January 6, 2023

Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. — Ecclesiastes 5:19
One of the founding principles of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is God’s eternal promise He made to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you.” This is one of 12 devotions exploring the concept of blessing, barak, which is so important to both Christians and Jews.
In my work at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, I’ve seen many people who are suffering. There are people who were orphaned at an early age; elderly who have no one to care for them; folks with severe illnesses for which they cannot afford proper medical care. I’ve seen children who are hungry, and families that have been irreparably broken.
At the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, we are dedicated to helping the poor, lonely, needy, and infirmed. However, alongside our responsibility to help those in need, there’s another perspective that I’ve grown to appreciate.
With all the hardship I see, I realized how sad it is that those of us who — by the grace of God — do not suffer greatly, often fail to fully appreciate the blessings that we have been given. Instead, too often we do not recognize the gifts that we have been given. Even worse, sometimes we squander them.
For example, do we appreciate having our parents around while others have lost theirs? Do we keep in touch with them if they are still with us? While some people struggle to buy the basics, like food and medication, others of us are blessed to afford vacations, but then complain that the flight was delayed, or that the food was too cold at the restaurant, or that the bed in the hotel was uncomfortable. Or we resent expensive healthcare while plenty of people have no medical care at all. The list goes on and on.
Enjoy Every Blessing
It’s one thing not to recognize our many gifts from God, but it’s another to waste them by not enjoying them to the fullest. In Ecclesiastes we read, “Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.”
To put it simply, when God gives us a gift, we ought to make sure that we properly appreciate it.
Let’s properly value the relationships with family while they last. Let’s be grateful for the gifts of health, and whatever financial resources God has blessed us with. Enjoy every blessing and every moment.
There is enough suffering in the world. As we work to help those who need it, let’s be grateful for the blessings we’ve been given.
Your Turn:
Sit down and make a list of “simple” things that you may be taking for granted. Count your blessings — and enjoy them!