A Little Bit of Faith
The Fellowship | November 15, 2019
A little bit of faith:
Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.
Remember the wonders he has done,
his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced. — Psalm 105:4-5
During this season when we give thanks for God’s many blessings and His faithfulness, enjoy this collection of devotions on what it means for us to be people of faith. For more on faith, download our complimentary Bible study on Abraham, the father of our faith.
How much faith does it take for God to work miracles? Truly, all it takes is a willing heart and one small step. Throughout the Scriptures we see evidence of this. Remember the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land, only to encounter a raging, flood-sodden Jordan River? What did God tell them to do? Take one step forward . . . one step into those waters, and God would do the rest.
Or what about the prophet Elijah and the widow of Zarephath? Down to her last handful of flour and cooking oil, Elijah instructs the woman to cook her “last meal,” making him a loaf of bread first. With a simple act of faith, the widow trusted Elijah and gave all she had to eat to him. In return, she was the recipient of an incredible miracle—she and her son were able to eat from an endless supply of flour and water. No matter how much she used, there was always something left.
That’s how it’s always been for God’s people. The celebration of Hanukkah provides yet another example. When the Jews reclaimed the Temple and wanted to relight the eternal flame, they were faced with a dilemma: There was only enough pure oil to keep the flame burning for one day. They could either light the flame for one day, or leave the Temple unclean without the flame until the new oil arrived.
They could have said, “Why bother? It will go out anyway after a day.” Instead, they trusted in God, lit the flame, and witnessed a miracle — the lamp stayed lit for eight days until the new oil came!
Some may be tempted to say, “Well that was back in Bible times, and this is now. Miracles don’t happen today.” But I don’t believe that’s true at all. The very existence of Israel and continued survival of the Jewish people is a miracle. Every Jew that is brought home to the Holy Land is a miracle. And I’m sure that you have your own stories of the miracles God has brought about in your own life.
Every miracle — large or small — begins with an act of obedience. All it takes is one small step toward God’s promises to us, and then He can work.
Are you in need of a miracle in your life? Consider what one step you can take today as an act of faith, and then wait to see what our mighty and awesome God can do for you.