Why Israel Needs Us

Bishop Paul Lanier and Dean Michele Bachmann

Bishop Paul Lanier, Board Chairman of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, joins us for a special online town hall he shared with Michele Bachmann, former member of Congress, dean of Regent University’s Robertson School of Government, Fellowship board member, and friend of Israel. Bishop Lanier and Dean Bachmann discuss The Fellowship’s role on the ground in the Holy Land, as well as how their faith shapes their understanding of the situation.

Episode Notes:

Earlier this month, as the Jewish High Holy Days drew to a close and the Jewish people prepared to celebrate the biblical holiday of Simchat Torah, their rejoicing turned to sorrow after the Hamas terrorist group carried out unprecedented attacks—by air, by sea, and by land—against Israel and her people.

Over 1,300 Israelis died in the attacks. Thousands more were injured. And more than 150 innocent people—children, grandmothers, families—are still being held hostage in Gaza.

Bishop Paul Lanier, Board Chairman of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, is joined for a special online town hall by Michele Bachmann—former member of Congress, dean of Regent University’s Robertson School of Government, Fellowship board member, and friend of Israel—who shares her insights on the situation in the Holy Land.

Dean Bachmann and Bishop Lanier share how their faith shapes their understanding of this dire and ongoing situation, and discuss how The Fellowship has been on the ground in Israel since the attacks occurred—providing basic needs like food and medicine, as well as security essentials for first responders and the brave men and women defending Israel.