Conversations with Rabbi Tuly Weisz

One of the untold miracles of modern-day Israel is that today Christians and Jews have joined in fellowship and studying the Bible together after thousands of years of discord and animosity. Israeli Orthodox Rabbi Tuly Weisz—founder of Israel365, an organization dedicated to educating Christians about the biblical significance of Israel—credits the pioneering bridge-building work of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, for ushering in this golden age of Jewish-Christian relations. Rabbi Weisz recently joined podcast host Bishop Paul Lanier, Fellowship Board Chairman, at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, to discuss his work and his hopes for the future. Join us now for this inspirational conversation.

Episode Notes

In 2022, Orthodox Rabbi Tuly Weisz, president and founder of Israel365, came to the National Religious Broadcasters convention and noticed the number of many influential Christians who love Israel and the Jewish people. What he also noticed was that there weren’t very many Jewish people—particularly rabbis—at the convention!

This year, Rabbi Weisz sought to change that by bringing a delegation of twenty rabbis and staff from Israel365 to NRB with the goal of making it the place for Jews and Christians to form authentic relationships. The group had a large presence at NRB and hosted a “Night to Honor Israel” that included speakers such as well-known author and podcaster Eric Mataxes, Salem Radio host Dennis Prager, and many others.

In 2012 Rabbi Weisz founded Israel365, which connects Christians to the Holy Land through its website, emails, educational materials, daily newsletters, and more. He is also the author of The Israel Bible, which provides the original Hebrew alongside a modern English translation with commentary.

“It’s important for Israel to be involved in Christian media—to be changing the narrative about Israel,” Rabbi Weisz told podcast host Bishop Paul Lanier, Board Chairman for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. “All we do is complain about how the media is so unfair to Israel. Here [at NRB] we have the largest gathering of Christian communicators. Of course we need to be here.”

Growing up in Columbus, Ohio, before he made aliyah (immigrated to Israel), Rabbi Weisz didn’t know many Christians. It was only as a rabbi, taking over at his grandfather’s synagogue, that he recognized how many Christians actually support Israel. He also realized that other than Fellowship Founder Rabbi Eckstein, not many rabbis were doing this kind of outreach to Christians.

“I realized that this was very important work, so I reached out to Rabbi Eckstein, of blessed memory, and he was so encouraging to me. He was my professional role model and inspiration,” Rabbi Weisz said. “I wouldn’t be doing the work that I’m doing now without Rabbi Eckstein.”

While more Christians today are visiting the Holy Land to see the holy sites, Rabbi Weisz encourages them to also seek out and get to know the Jewish people. “I think we need to share each other’s hearts. We need to be in relationship with each other more,” Rabbi Weisz told Bishop Lanier. “I think more Jews need to invited Christians over to Shabbat dinner. And more Christians need to be seeking those relationships and invitations.”

To watch the podcast with Rabbi Weisz and Bishop Lanier, visit our IFCJ YouTube page. Or listen to the podcast here.