What Your Blessings Can Do

“I will bless those who bless you … and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
(Genesis 12:3)

Creating Hope Like Our World Has Never Seen

Poverty icon
On average 1 million people are fed, clothed, and cared for each year by The Fellowship.
security icon
Each year, we provide over 800,000 people with safety during times of terror and war.
Aliyah icon
In 2022, The Fellowship and its supporters helped fulfill biblical prophecy by bringing a record 9,000 people to their homeland, Israel.
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Since our founding, 2.6 million people in the U.S. and around the world have supported Israel and the Jewish people through The Fellowship.

Who You're Helping

Elderly woman blue sweater, polka dot headscarf, sad, lonely
Poor Elderly & Holocaust Survivors

Provide lifesaving assistance to elderly Jews and Holocaust survivors who are suffering and lack life's basic provisions.

Ukrainians sorting through rubble
Supporting Jews in Ukraine

Help The Fellowship support Jews in war torn Ukraine by delivering basic needs, providing rescue for refugees, and facilitating aliyah to the Holy Land.

Group of Ukrainian refugees walking down a street carrying luggage
Victims of Terror and War

Protect Israelis from terrorist attacks by providing food, medicine, emergency aid, and helping victims of war deal with physical and emotional trauma.

Girl and boy standing side by side outdoors
Orphans, Children, and Families

Care for Jewish children and orphans living in extreme poverty who rely on The Fellowship for basic needs.

Matriarch of the Ethiopian family - elderly woman, surrounded by men and women holding Israeli's flag
Persecuted and Oppressed

Fulfill Biblical prophecy by helping Jew “from the four quarters of the earth" (Isaiah 11:12) escape anti-Semitism and persecution.

Jerusalem Border Police
IDF Soldiers and Their Families

Honor Israel's soldiers who put their lives on the line every day through financial and emotional support for them and their families.

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