
  • ‘The Land of Our Ancestors’
    "This is my country and the place for me to be." This is the heartfelt gratitude expressed by so many Jewish people who you help bring home to Israel.
  • If I Forget You, Jerusalem
    The Jewish people are grateful to be back in the Holy City, a sovereign nation able to witness God’s prophecy being fulfilled.
  • Don’t Take Anything for Granted
    While we must have faith that God will continue to bless us, we cannot demand them nor take them for granted.
  • Photo Friday: Your Children I Will Save
    Seventy-five years ago this week, Jewish children like these were liberated from the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
  • Welcome Home
    Each time a Jew steps foot onto Israeli soil and calls it his or her home, it is a celebration of God’s great provision for His people.
  • Living Prophecies
    We are living in these miraculous times and watching biblical prophecies unfold before our very eyes.
  • Unshakable
    Life’s a bumpy ride when we tie our well-being to our circumstances.
  • Why God Chose the Jewish People
    Grafted INsights, a series of Christian reflections from Fellowship friends, is proud to feature this column by Dr. David Jeremiah, one of the world’s preeminent Christian leaders.
  • Partners in God’s Purposes
    God doesn’t need any help, but by His grace and compassion, He gives us the privilege of contributing to His purposes.
  • The Return of the Exiles
    If the Jews exist today, it is only because God exists eternally.
  • A Celebration of God’s Creation
    On January 31st, Jews around the world observe the holiday of Tu B'Shvat, which celebrates the miracle of all that God created. This includes the land of Israel, of which the prophet Isaiah wrote that God would make "her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord."
  • Those Who Bless Israel
    Throughout history God has punished those who oppress Israel. Why do nations continue to provoke Him?

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