
  • Passover — The Festival of Unleavened Bread
    Learn more about the Passover observance from insights and devotional thoughts from Rabbi Eckstein's book, Holy Days of Israel.
  • Passover, the Holiday of Freedom
    As Passover approaches, Miriam Lock, a Fellowship staff member in our Israel office, reflects on the meaning of freedom especially in a time of war.
  • Passover — Pesach
    Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today's word is "Passover".
  • Celebrating Our First Passover
    Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein continues her conversations with legendary singer/songwriter Pat Boone about his first Passover in Jerusalem with his family.
  • What Passover Teaches Us About Asking Questions
    Host Yael Eckstein explains the unique and sometimes unusual traditions for the Passover seder that are actually meant to encourage questions.
  • The Fellowship Launches Passover Welfare Drive for Those in Need
    With Passover beginning this week, The Fellowship will be helping more than 250,000 people in Israel this holy season!
  • Health and Peace This Passover
    This Passover, a Holocaust survivor thanks Fellowship friends around the world for bringing her out of war-torn Ukraine to her biblical homeland, Israel.
  • Thinking About the First Passover
    As the Jewish people prepare for Passover, we think of God’s provision and love from the Exodus story. And as she prepares to teach her children this Bible story, Yael will also tell them stories of Jewish people today who still show God’s love for them: “The road was very hard. The weather was very […]
  • What Christians Should Know About Passover
    As Christians and Jews approach this holy season, Yael welcomes Bishop Paul Lanier to discuss the timeless Passover story and its relevance today.
  • Bishop Paul Lanier: What Christians Should Know About Passover
    Host Yael Eckstein welcomes back to the podcast Bishop Paul Lanier, to discuss the relevance today of the ancient and timeless Exodus story for both Christians and Jews.
  • A Pastor and a Holocaust Passover
    Called "The Pastor of the Jews" by the Nazis, Herman Maas not only worshiped with his Jewish brothers and sisters, he saved them, as well.
  • Food for Passover: Fellowship Contributions up by 50%
    The Jerusalem Post reports that The Fellowship contributed an additional $2.5 million to aid Jewish communities in Ukraine this Passover.