You Are Her Beacon of Light

“I pray to God that he will give me the strength to complete the journey to Israel and reunite with my only remaining daughter.”
That’s what 77-year-old Nekadam told a Fellowship volunteer who visited her meager apartment in Kazakhstan, the only homeland this precious Jewish woman has ever known. “This is still my home, but my heart is already in Israel. There is nothing left for me here.”
Nine months ago, Nekadam’s daughter Izabella died of cancer, leaving the elderly widow all alone. Her other daughter Yaffa made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) with her own family more than a decade ago. And now, thanks to Fellowship friends around the world, Nekadam has joined them in the Holy Land.
And when this sweet child of God tells us, “I am so moved by the help from The Fellowship — a beacon of light in my life,” know that it is your help she is thankful for.