Reflecting on the High Holy Days as They Approach

Stand for Israel  |  August 25, 2022

shofar, High Holy Days, Rosh Hashanah

As we approach the High Holy Days, the most sacred time on the Jewish calendar, Stand for Israel is inspired by the latest reflection on these sacred days by our friends at the Jerusalem Post:

In the month of Elul, as we carefully examine our lives, we have to reach the depths before we can start the ascent. What has happened during the past year which has brought black clouds over us? Was it family matters, financial matters, health matters and certainly much more? Each of us answers that question in his or her own way. As we do, we begin to understand how important each moment of the day is…

Horace Mann, a noted American intellectual in the 19th century, once ran this ad in the paper: “Lost somewhere between sunrise and sunset are two golden hours, each set with 60 diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever.”

A significant part of the teshuva we seek is bound up with time. To be a better spouse and a better father takes time. To be a kinder employer takes time. To be helpful to people in need takes time. Developing a sincere devotion to God takes time. When we choose to weave our teshuva in unity with time, we will find that our thoughts and our deeds will be on a higher plane this year.

The High Holy Days are the most widely observed Jewish holidays. Test your knowledge about what you know about this most sacred time on the Jewish calendar.