Photo Friday: Ashdod, Yesterday and Today

Stand for Israel  |  July 30, 2021

Ashdod in the 19th Century
(Ashdod, David Roberts, 1839)

“…west of Ekron, all that were in the vicinity of Ashdod, together with their villages; Ashdod, its surrounding settlements and villages…” (Joshua 15:46-47)

The above Scripture comes from God’s command to Joshua on how to divide the Holy Land. That same sacred ground mentioned in the Bible can be seen today, even as it was targeted by terrorists during the recent rocket attacks and then helped by Fellowship friends who stand for Israel.

And Ashdod could be seen in the 19th century, too. This painting, by David Roberts in 1839, shows the biblical city and its outskirts as they looked nearly 200 years ago, and was shared by our friends at the Israeli Embassy. Shabbat shalom, friends.