Israelis Attacked, Car Torched
Stand for Israel | December 2, 2021
Two Israeli citizens barely escaped with their lives on Wednesday night. After becoming lost in Palestinian Authority territory, The Times of Israel’s Aaron Boxerman reports that the two were attacked by Palestinians, who also torched their vehicle:
Two Israelis were attacked and their car was set ablaze by a crowd of Palestinians after they entered downtown Ramallah on Wednesday night…
Police identified one of the Israelis as a resident of the West Bank settlement of Shiloh; the other lives in the mostly Ultra-Orthodox Israeli city of Elad. Both are members of the Bratslav Hasidic sect, according to media reports. According to an Israeli security official, the two claimed they sought to reach Hashmonaim, a settlement about a half-hour drive west of Ramallah.
One of the Israeli men reportedly blamed an Arab man for giving them bad directions when they stopped at a gas station near Eli, a settlement northeast of Ramallah…
“He directed us to continue straight and to go past all the traffic circles. Somewhere along the way I realized we were not going in the right direction, and then what happened happened — cinderblocks and stones…”
Let us thank our loving God for His protection over His people, that the two were not hurt. And let us continue to, as David did, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6).