Holocaust Survivor Spreads Hope

Stand for Israel  |  May 23, 2022

@lilyebert 9️⃣8️⃣ year old Holocaust survivor: Never give up hope ❤️ #learnontiktok #love #98yearold #holocaustsurvivor #hope #tiktokqueen #tiktokgrandma #history #nevergiveuphope #inspiration #jew #ukraine #survivor #viral #important #foru ♬ Inspirational Piano - AShamaluevMusic

While so much of our digital world may seem like noise and chaos, there are bright spots that bring us hope. And one of these comes from, of all places, the social media app TikTok.

Lily Ebert, a 98-year-old Holocaust survivor, has taken to TikTok with her great-grandson in order to educate younger generations about the Holocaust – during which she survived the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp – and to bring light to the darkness and hope to our world, reminding us to “Never Forget.”