Project Spotlight: Yad LaKashish

The Fellowship  |  June 18, 2019

Yad Lakashish, an IFCJ recipient holding up a piece of cloth.

In Israel, the group that perhaps has it hardest of all is the poor, elderly immigrant population. These elderly came to Israel late in life and struggle day by day to make ends meet in a society that is alien to them. Living thousands of miles from the culture that they understand, unable to communicate with those around them, and often physically or emotionally distant from family, these needy elderly are also the most isolated of all.

Fellowship-supported Yad LaKashish (which means “lifeline for the elderly”) provides an opportunity for these needy elderly to work and retain their dignity during their final years. This craft workshop gives them a place to go each day to work and produce beautiful crafts. Each person is paid a small stipend, thus enabling them to meet their ongoing expenses.

Most of the workers are living off meager government assistance, so the hot lunches, and monthly stipends offered through this program help to make their lives more comfortable. In addition, working there allows them to stay physically and mentally active, interact with other seniors (many who are immigrants with little or no ability to speak Hebrew), and most importantly, maintain their dignity and a sense of usefulness to society.

Learn how you can help support impoverished elderly people and others in need in Israel.