Share Your Fellowship Story!

Fellowship volunteer assisting Holocaust survivor

2023 is a very special year at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews as we celebrate and honor the ministry that Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, of blessed memory, founded 40 years ago. For 40 years, The Fellowship has been the leading ministry blessing Israel and the Jewish people with humanitarian care and lifesaving aid.

Together, with YOU as our faithful and generous partner, we’ve raised more than $2.62 billion dollars that has provided food and warmth, safety and security, and a way home to Israel for Jews suffering from poverty and persecution.

As part of our celebration, we want to hear YOUR STORY — why you got involved in The Fellowship? What blessing Israel and the Jewish people has meant to you? What blessings have you received because of your involvement with The Fellowship?

To help inspire you, LISTEN to the audio below of testimonials from four of our precious Fellowship friends and supporters. Then, make MAKE YOUR CALL TODAY to our Fellowship Testimonial Recording Line at 541-241-8833.