Keftes de Prasa (Leek Patties)

Plate of keftes de prasa, or leek patties, a tradition to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and also as a sign of spring. Get this delicious holiday recipe today.


  • 2.2 pounds leeks, trimmed and cleaned
  • 1 egg
  • Salt
  • 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • Oil for frying


Put cleaned leeks in a pot of water over medium-low heat, cover and cook until soft (they should be tender when poked with a spoon).  Drain the leeks and allow to cool. Squeeze out as much as liquid as possible.  Put the leeks in a food processor and blend until smooth.  Mix in the egg, salt, and breadcrumbs. The mixture should be quite soft but just firm enough to form into patties. Put about ½ inch oil in a pan over medium heat.  Form the leek mixture into small patties and carefully drop in the oil. Fry until evenly browned and crispy on both sides.  Transfer to paper towel-lined plate. Serve immediately.