Daily Devotionals

Black and white cartoon image of Nathan rebuking David.

Judge Others Fairly

July 5, 2023
We should always give others the benefit of the doubt and judge others fairly. When we judge others harshly, we are ultimately judging ourselves and inviting God to do the same.
Woman raising hands in the air praising

Hand Over Justice to God

July 4, 2023
Once we hand over justice to God, we can learn from Rabbi Dee and turn our attention to increasing love and light in the world.
Elderly distraught woman leaning over with head propped up with her arm

When Life Is Not Fair

July 3, 2023
When life is not fair, instead of fuming at the injustice and abandoning the ship completely, we can help one another choose goodness.
A shepherd walking in the desert with a walking stick.

Our True Freedom

July 2, 2023
By living in a forest of limitations, we find our true freedom—and that happens when we find God.
Jewish woman crying tears of relief after being rescued from anti-Semitism

The Opposite of Faith

June 30, 2023
Then the officers shall add, “Is anyone afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his fello
Black and white image of a woman looking at a baby in a basket along a river.

Faith in the Future

June 29, 2023
The Jewish sages understood this verse as a demonstration of Miriam’s faith in the future. She “stood at a distance.” In other words, she took the long view.
Maya, elderly Jewish woman from Ukraine, receiving care from The Fellowship during rocket attacks on Netivot, Israel, May 2023

The True Test of Faith

June 28, 2023
The true test of faith is not what we say we believe; it’s how we act based on that belief.
Judean desert landscape

We Depend Upon Him

June 27, 2023
Even as we enjoy the abundance that God has given us in our own lives, we must never forget that we depend upon Him and have nothing without Him.
Teenage boy sitting on a wooden bench flipping through a small book.

Recognize That We Need God!

June 26, 2023
Let’s remember that faith means recognizing that we need God, even when we think we have things under control on our own.
Sad elderly Jewish woman sitting in wheelchair crying.

Find Meaning in Our Suffering

June 25, 2023
Even as we can’t understand why suffering happens, we can still find meaning in our suffering by how we and others respond.
Hand reaching up with a cloudy blue sky behind it.

All Things Are Possible

June 23, 2023
While we make our plans based on what we can see and understand, let’s never forget that with God all things are possible.
Drawing of a man looking up into the sky.

When It Doesn't Make Sense

June 22, 2023
He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count t

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