Daily Devotionals

Girl hugging and blessing elderly woman

Calling Out in Love

July 19, 2023
The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting. — Leviticus 1:1 These devo
heart shaped hands

With God’s Love

July 18, 2023
Where others may have seen blocked paths and insurmountable obstacles, David knew that, with God’s love, he could overcome any challenge.
Prayerful Yael Eckstein

Come Closer to God

July 17, 2023
God wants us to turn to Him in prayer with our troubles and gratitude. All our Father in Heaven wants is for us to come closer to Him.
Holocaust survivor Katerina 2021

Humility Comes First

July 16, 2023
He guides the humble in what is right   and teaches them his way. — Psalm 25:9 We st
A golden ark with two eagles on it.

God’s Tough Love

July 14, 2023
It is because God loves us that He forces Himself to punish us, no matter how much it hurts us both. It is God’s tough love.
Two little girls hugging each other

Always Hope for Love

July 13, 2023
Whether it is siblings who have become estranged, children and parents who have fought, friends who have drifted, spouses who think they have hurt each other too deeply to make amends, perhaps there is room to keep trying. There is always hope for love.
marriage, wedding couple

A Bond Based on Love

July 12, 2023
While husband and wife are bound by a formal contract, this is not simply a business deal; it is a reciprocal bond based on love.
One hand giving the other hand money

Beware of Internal Bribes

July 11, 2023
When we judge our lives—when we make decisions about our beliefs and lifestyle—we must be beware of the “internal bribes” we so often make with ourselves.
IFCJ staff member greeting Ukrainian refugee Nataliia Berkhstein with an IFCJ food box in hand.

God Is Our Judge

July 10, 2023
As Nahum reminds us, while God desires repentance, sometimes punishment is His only option. Justice will be served. Our actions have consequences.
dawn of a new day

It All Belongs to God

July 9, 2023
Everything is viewed differently when we have a proper perspective and recognize this basic truth that everything belongs to God.
Maya, elderly Jewish woman from Ukraine, receiving care from The Fellowship during rocket attacks on Netivot, Israel, May 2023

Be a Mensch

July 7, 2023
“Good character comes before Torah.” In other words, it’s more important to be a mensch than it is to be “spiritual.”
Yael kneels down to hand a doll to a young girl.

We All Have Something to Give

July 6, 2023
This law is not designed to make life harder for those who are already struggling, but rather to remind us that we all have something to give and there is always someone who would benefit from our help.

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