Counting Our Spiritual Blessings in the Wake of the Coronavirus

We believe in the power of prayer. We believe that prayer is not just a word uttered under duress – it’s a word of both faith and action. When crisis looms and the world fears that God has forgotten us, we respond in one voice: Our God is with us and our faith will not be shaken. Plagues come and go, but people of faith always remain.

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At The Fellowship, we believe that the Word of God never fails and that God will bless those who bless Israel (Genesis 12:3). We are privileged witnesses to those who have taken faithful action during this moment of need among the Jewish people, standing for the sick and the elderly and the Holocaust survivors who have already endured so much. Through these sacrifices, together, we are fulfilling God’s promises to care for His children by bringing thousands of boxes of food right to their doors while they are trapped inside for their own safety.

See Also: Bless Jewish People Threatened by the Pandemic

We do this expectantly, knowing the plans God has for us—plans for our good—even as all of us around the world are threatened by disease. We step out in faith, embracing the promises laid before us and trusting in the God Who heals to guard our steps as we enter this valley of shadow. May you, too, be blessed through hearing God’s Word, through the prayers of the righteous, and through the fellowship of faith that holds up all of us through this momentary affliction.

For You: Share Your Personal Prayer Request

Now is not a time for fear. Now is the time to strengthen our faith. As many of us must refrain from gathering together, let us take this opportunity to refresh our spirits with the things of God. Let us pray daily for those who are sick and isolated, and meditate on God’s words of promise. Let us be found faithful, and let our faith bring hope to the world.

About Bishop Lanier

Bishop Paul Lanier founded Hope Community Church with his wife, Dr. Debbie Lanier, in 1990. While Hope is their calling, their two children Kaylyn and Paul are their first calling. As Bishop Lanier likes to say, “If you win the whole world but lose your children, you’ve still lost!”

The children and families — not to mention the elderly, the IDF soldiers, and the rest of God’s children — Bishop Lanier is able to help all around the world as chair of The Fellowship’s board. As Bishop Lanier says, “Together we care for God’s people with Godly counsel and wisdom.”