Download this complimentary chapter on Passover from Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein’s book, Generation to Generation: Passing on a Legacy of Faith to Our Children.
Join Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein as she shares more from her audiobook, Generation to Generation, about the importance of retelling the Exodus story at Passover.
On today’s program, Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein shares a teaching about the Jewish holiday of Passover.
Just like God's people on Passover, when we are eager to follow the Lord, we are already redeemed even before the journey has begun.
Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today's word is "Passover sacrifice".
Many were missed at the seder table this year.
By asking God our questions and entering Passover with a spirit of curiosity, we are more open to learning, rediscovering, and recommitting to Him on our journey of faith, ultimately, growing ever closer to Him.
Writing at Higher Ground, Yael says this Passover is a time of grief and suffering… but also hope.
Shalom, friends. All month—leading up to and during the observation of Passover—expand your Hebrew vocabulary based on the celebration of the defining moment for God’s people: the Exodus from Egypt. Today’s phrase is “Warm wishes for a blessed Passover”.
Yael and Bishop Lanier discuss how the Passover message is one of hope—God is with us amidst our afflictions and suffering, bringing us His redemption.
Bitya is one of the many elderly who rely on The Fellowship to have enough food, especially prior to Passover
Test your knowledge on Passover.